viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013

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[APP] GMD Hide Bar

Link en Google Play:

New application features:
- Create launcher shortcut to hide/show status bar.
- Integrate with Tasker, SwipePad or any other application that supports shortcuts.
- Restore status bar on Screen Off.
- Hide status bar in Portrait or Landscape only.
- Hide status bar on device boot.

Old application description:
This little app lets you hide and restore status bar on HC, ICS and JB. This is research and development project in order to find better means to hide status bar on stock android. This means I don't plan to spend too much time polishing UI and concentrate on hiding that bar instead

* Requires ROOT
* Applications kills system process of status bar, use on your own risk.
* I am not responsible if it damages your device or system.

'Use BusyBox' - is just alternative method, it is not obligatory to select it. Test yourself which one is more stable with your ROM.

Note that you still need some helper application to navigate when bar is hidden. You can use GMD GestureControl Lite or Button Savior for example.
Full version of GMD GestureControl has built in status bar hiding and advanced options like restoring on screen lock, hiding on screen unlock, etc.

Known Issues:

* Static wallpaper will disappear on ICS. It can also reset to default 
This is because static wallpaper run on same process as status bar and killing status bar kills wallpaper. Sometimes wallpaper gets mad after restart. It thinks that it crashed and maybe image is to blame so it resets to default.
Workaround: use Live wallpaper. You can try 'Simple image wallpaper' from market if you want static image.

* Notifications are not displayed
Its part of status bar process.

1.1.3 - Fix for HC, no changes for ICS+
1.1.2 - Test build to solve FC on some devices (no need to update if you don't experience this).
1.1.1 - Fixed path to BusyBox.
1.1.0 - Added option to use BusyBox instead of some internal API calls.
1.0.0 - Initial version
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name: Screenshot_2012-07-14-23-33-24.jpg
Views: 3222
Size: 19.1 KB
ID: 1198376  
Attached Files
File Type: apkGMDHideBar 1.0.0.apk - [Click for QR Code] (1.22 MB, 233 views)
File Type: apkGMDHideBar 1.1.1.apk - [Click for QR Code] (1.22 MB, 252 views)
File Type: apkGMDHideBar 1.1.2.apk - [Click for QR Code] (1.22 MB, 416 views)
File Type: apkGMDHideBar 1.1.3.apk - [Click for QR Code] (1.22 MB, 3456 views)

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